MT SDK 3.3

It allows you to configure and easily integrate the MTx, MTi and MTi-G Motion
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Xsens Technologies B.V.
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The SDK gives easy access to Xsens’ products, allowing users to configure and easily integrate the MTx, MTi and MTi-G Motion Trackers in their own applications. The kit contains a specially developed, easy-to-use, graphical user interface, drivers for different operating systems and many other useful tools, example code and documentation.

MT SDK Includes:

- MT Manager (replacing the MT Software)
- MT API for Windows
- C class and low level (binary) communication (incl. Linux support)
- Example source code (API and C class) for various programs and OS
- Magnetic Field Mapper plug-in
- Firmware Updater and firmware for all Xsens devices
- Complete documentation

New features

- Built-in self test (BIT) supported in all levels of CMT for all products. Results
stored in eMTS.
- Support for higher output frequencies of orientation data for MTi and MTx
- Specified: 256 Hz for onboard processing (was 120 Hz)
- Beta: 350 Hz for onboard processing (via serial messages)
- Support for higher output frequencies of orientation data for MTi-G
- Specified: 120 Hz for onboard processing
- Beta: 170 Hz for onboard processing (via serial messages)
- Support for HW 1.5 Motion Trackers
- Improved support under Windows 7



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